English Conversation Course
English Conversation Course
in Pfinztal
Let’s talk about …
…business topics, politics, economics, books, music, travel and …
Our Academy offers a special course for all
those who want to improve their speaking
skills and confidence.
We start with guided
conversation, where we provide both pertinent vocabulary and some helpful techniques
for conversation with native and non-native speakers.
We focus on common
topics, on every-day situations and on business subjects, so that a vast range of speaking opportunities is available
for every participant in our conversation course.
Subscribe now. We will
be happy to welcome you at the English
Conversation Course of our Academy.
Location: Akademie Beißwenger
Karlsuher Str. 27, 76327 Pfinztal-Berghausen
Time: every Wednesday, 18.30 – 19.30 h