English Course

Level B1 = Independent user - Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

The teaching goals

  1. Understanding

    1.1. Listening:
           understand the main points of clear standard speech on regularly
           encountered matters (family, work, school, leisure etc.)
           understand the main points of radio and TV-programs on current
           affairs or on topics of personal or professional interest

           understand texts that consist of high frequency everyday or job-related
           understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal

  2. Speaking

    2.1. Spoken interaction:
           deal with situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an English-speaking area
           enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest
           or pertinent to everyday life (family, hobbies, work, travel, current events)

    2.2. Spoken production:
           connect phrases in order to describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions
           give reasons and explanations for options and plans
           narrate a story or relate the plot of a book or film and describe the reactions

  3. Writing

           write simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest
           write personal letters describing experiences and impressions

Competences acquired in this course:

  • Understand the main points in a clear language on familiar issues like work, school or travel

  • Deal with most situations encountered during travel in areas where English is spoken

  • Talk in a clear and simple manner about issues that are familiar or of general interest

  • Speak about an event, an experience or a dream; describe goals and hopes

  • Give reasons and explanations for projects and ideas


Englisch für Fortgeschrittene (28.09.23 – 01.02.24)

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